Lançamentos Novidades 

Airfix Model World Edição de Janeiro/2012

Sim pessoal,

Já está no ar a edição de Janeiro de 2012, que traz os seguintes assuntos:

Exclusive Build – Folland Gnat T.1
Stu Fone builds the newly released Airfix 1/72 Folland Gnat T.1 in early RAF training colours. Warbird pilot Dave Unwin recalls what this sporty trainer was like to fly on a training sortie.

Burma DefenderIn Focus – RAF Canberras

In the second of a two-part feature, Andy Donovan focuses on the nuclear strike role of RAF Germany Canberra squadrons.

Battle and Build – Bf 110E-2/Trop
Malcolm V. Lowe explains his in-depth modifications to the 1/72 Airfix Bf 110E-2/Trop.

On the Road – Yeovilton Autumn Show
Malcolm V. Lowe and Glenn Sands report from the Fleet Air Arm Museum’s last model show of the year.

Advanced Build – 787 Dreamliner
Marcus Jellyman works wonders with Revell’s new 1/144 airliner kit.

Figure Build – Zulu Zulu!
Sonia Maes explores a legendary battle with Victory Miniatures’ 150mm Rorke’s Drift Colour Sargeant.

Space Build – Flying Saucer

Ian Grainger prepares to be abducted and have his brain melted by this retro-looking alien invader from Outer Space.


A revista é mensal e a assinatura por um ano custa £49.00 – cerca de 138,00 Reais ou 11,50 Reais por cada edição.


A Key Publishing, que publica a revista também publica excelentes livros não deixe de visitar o link deles aqui

Lembrando que livros e revistas não pagam imposto de importação…

É isso aí pessoal, boa leitura 😀

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Editor do Blog SprueMaster

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