Publicações e Filmes Reviews 

AIRFIX Model World Junho/2012

Já está disponível a edição de Junho, que traz o seguinte:

News and Show Scene
The latest happenings in the world of modelling and a comprehensive up-to-date calendar of related
events. Now including exclusive updates direct from Airfix.
Win!Our friends at Squadratlantica are offering one lucky Airfix Model World reader the chance to win a jacket and a polo shirt!
On the shelf
Twelve pages of reviews bring you the latest kits, books and modelling products.
Cutting Mat Chat
A final word from the ‘movers and shakers’ within the modelling industry.
In Focus – Mulberry Harbours
Chris Howlett recounts the vital role played by Mulberry Harbours after the D-Day landings in June 1944.
Military Build – Mulberry Harbour
Richard Langford recreates the post D-Day atmosphere with Dan Taylor Modelworks’ Mulberry Harbour and Airfix’s Bedford QL Truck.
Review Build – Ford Focus RS WRC 2010
Ian Grainger reckons that Smil’R’s multi-media Ford Focus rally car is a high-class debut.
Figure Build – Oberleutnant 6th Infantry Regiment
Sonia Maes depicts a war-weary Bavarian from the trenches of World War One.
Battle and Build – Supermarine Spitfire Mk.22
Spitfire enthusiast Tony O’Toole uncovers the history of the Spitfire Mk.22, a mainstay of the RAF post-war reserve squadrons. He follows this up with an exclusive build of the new 1/72 Airfix kit.
On the Road – Shoreham Aerojumble AMW’s
Editor, Glenn Sands, travelled to the South Coast in search of some aviation related bargains.
Exclusive Build – Mini Cooper S
Ian Hartup puts his foot down and flies the Union Jack with his build of Airfix’s all-new Mini Cooper S.
Skills School – Working With Clear Parts
Eric Larson shares valuable techniques for working with aircraft canopies and other transparencies.

E não perca a promoção do livro sobre o B-52 Stratofortress!!!

A Airfix Model World é mensal e a assinatura por um ano custa £49.00 – cerca de 158,00 Reais ou 13,00  Reais por cada edição.

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É isso aí e até a próxima!

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Editor do Blog SprueMaster

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