Reviews Valiant Wings 

Airframe Extra No 9-North Africa Campaign is coming!

A Valiant Publishing acabou de anunciar que a edição número 9 da série Airframe Extra sairá em Março!

Alguns detalhes:

Publication in late March
64-80 pages in full colour
ISBN: 978-0- 9957773-2- 3
Cover price £9.95
Covers the historical aspects of the battles on the ground and in the air in North Africa
from Italy’s declaration of war on France and the United Kingdom on the 10th June
1940 through to the surrender of all Axis forces in Tunisia on the 13th May 1943:
Historical narrative by Patrick Branly
Numerous period images
Colour profiles by Richard J Caruana
Specially commissioned kit builds: – Hasegawa Heinkel He 111, Special Hobby
Curtiss Kittyhawk Mk Ia and RS Models Dewoitine D.520 all in 1/72nd by Libor Jekl
Eduard 1/144th Junkers Ju 52/3m and 1/48th Bf 110C-2/Trop plus Fly 1/32nd
Hawker Hurricane Mk IId by Steve Evans

Mal posso esperar para ter em mãos 🙂


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Editor do Blog SprueMaster

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